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Ground Floor (second edition): Architect's Office & Telecommunications Floor - dodatek z kalendarza adwentowego 2018(19)
wydanie angielsko-niemieckie
Dodatek z kalendarza adwentowego 2018
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Dostawa (Pocztex Punkt D+1)
już od 9,21 zł.
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Brettspiel Adventskalender 2018 Promo
Telecommunications floor
An additional floor improvement tile is added to the group of floor improvements tiles in Stage 2. It is the second tile of that name and functions identically.
Architect's Office
This Expansion Board tile should be placed near the game board. It adds a new area for players to visit.
1. Schedule Business: Only one player may use the Architect's Office.
2. Conduct Business: The Architect's Office is resolved after Retail Outlets and before the Construction Company.
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Ground Floor 2nd edition - DE/EN