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Menara: The Chameleon - dodatek z kalendarza adwentowego 2018(4)
wydanie angielsko-niemieckie
Dodatek z kalendarza adwentowego 2018
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Dostawa (Pocztex Punkt D+1)
już od 9,21 zł.
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Brettspiel Adventskalender 2018 Promo
The excavations around the mysterious temple continue as your explorer team makes an amazing discovery. A temple floor shaped like a chameleon!
The rule of MENARA apply with the following additions:
The chameleon light side: On the light side of the chameleon temple floor, you can see 5 multicolored bases. All five columns on this side of the chameleon temple floor must have different colors.
The chameleon's dark side: on the dark side of the chameleon temple floor, you can see 5 grey column bases. All five columns on this side of the chameleon's floor must be of the same color