Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Realmscape: Ghurish Expanse Games Workshop 3T23612 121,99 zł The Era of the Beast sees armies clash across all manner of terrain, from fetid bogs and ancient ruins to wind-blasted plains and snow-capped mountains. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar BROKEN REALMS: KRAGNOS (HB) (ENG) Games Workshop 3T23579 94,99 zł The Broken Realms saga concludes in the fourth and final chapter. As the city of Excelsis comes under attack from Gordrakk's Waaagh! and Kragnos himself, it will take more than the return of a legendary Seraphon hero to turn the tide. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Team: Imperial Nobility Games Workshop 3T22989 109,99 zł In addition to being an incredibly popular pastime, beloved by an impressively broad and diverse fanbase, Blood Bowl is also a shockingly lucrative business. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Blood Bowl Blood Bowl: Griff Oberwald Games Workshop 3T22987 49,99 zł Blood Bowl referees carry the weighty responsibility of interpreting and enforcing the sacred writings of Nuffle. They're entrusted with the vital duty of upholding the values of the beautiful game and ensuring both teams strictly follow the rules and compete fairly. Good job so many of them are open to Bribes then, because that sounds a bit boring. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Blood Bowl Blood Bowl: Elf and Dwarf Biased Referees Games Workshop 3T22986 49,99 zł Blood Bowl referees carry the weighty responsibility of interpreting and enforcing the sacred writings of Nuffle. They're entrusted with the vital duty of upholding the values of the beautiful game and ensuring both teams strictly follow the rules and compete fairly. Good job so many of them are open to Bribes then, because that sounds a bit boring. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Blood Bowl BLOOD BOWL: SPIKE! JOURNAL ISSUE 12 Games Workshop 3T22983 39,99 zł The exalted (and fabulously wealthy) Lord Baltazär Krüssenfalt Schweiger III guest edits this doubly exciting issue of Spike! Journal. It covers both Imperial Nobility and Black Orc teams to celebrate their stunning showing in the XL Blood Bowl final. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Song of Ice & Fire A Song of Ice and Fire. Halabardnicy Lannisterów PL) warfactory 3T22927 149,00 zł A Song of Ice & Fire: Figurkowa Gra Bitewna to ambitna gra strategiczna dla dwóch lub więcej graczy. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Song of Ice & Fire A Song of Ice and Fire. Gwardziści Lannisterów PL) warfactory 3T22926 149,00 zł A Song of Ice & Fire: Figurkowa Gra Bitewna to ambitna gra strategiczna dla dwóch lub więcej graczy. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Darmowa Dostawa Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Games Workshop 3T22862 599,99 zł At the heart of Shyish, the ancient city of Ulfenkarn stands upon the precipice of doom. The cruel vampire lord Radukar the Wolf has transformed this once-proud city into nothing more than a feasting table for him and his coterie of malicious servants. Now, a group of heroes seek to lift the curse and free the city. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar LUMINETH REALM-LORDS: Hurakan Windmages Games Workshop 3T22832 93,99 zł Hurakan Windmages are the wisest of their order, aelimentiri of such prowess that the winds of their homeland regard them as kin. More at home flying through the skies than walking on land, these mages are born aloft on an aelementor wind visible only as a rolling blur of energy. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Pozostałe Marvel: Crisis Protocol - Sin & Viper Fantasy Flight Games 3T22426 136,99 zł When the Red Skull sought an heir for his criminal empire, he fathered Sinthea Schmidt. The girl was raised with constant indoctrination of her father’s twisted views. Forced to undergo physical transformation in one of the Red Skull’s machines, she was gifted with superhuman powers. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Age o Sigmar: Slaangor Fiendbloods Games Workshop 3T22350 121,99 zł When the madness of battle descends upon Slaangor Fiendbloods, the carnage left in their wake is truly sickening. These gangly beasts are frighteningly strong and swift, and they fight with a frenzied disregard for their own survival. Dodaj do koszyka Wysyłka w 24 godzin