- Brak - Pozostałe Citadel Colour Paint Pot Holder Games Workshop 3T15892 22,90 zł We've all been there – time slows as your hand nudges an (inevitably brand new) pot of paint past the tipping point, and you're powerless to prevent the contents splashing in a tidal wave of vibrant, heavily pigmented liquid disaster across your models, hobby desk, lap, and even the carpet. But now, there’s a better way. Zobacz
- Brak - Pozostałe CITADEL MIXED BASE PACK 2 Games Workshop 3T14454 34,00 zł 23 podstawek pod figurk firmy Citadeli Zobacz
- Brak - Pozostałe CITADEL MIXED BASE PACK 1 Games Workshop 3T14453 34,00 zł 28 podstawek pod figurk firmy Citadeli Zobacz
- Brak - Pozostałe Citadel Water Pot Games Workshop 3T10813 29,00 zł More than just a container holding water, the Citadel Water Pot has been designed by painters, for painters. Zobacz
- Brak - Pozostałe Citadel Basing Set Games Workshop 3T10812 137,04 zł In this kit, you’ll find a selection of products that will help you to create the perfect atmospheric bases for your Citadel miniatures. Technical and Texture paints, grass tufts and a huge selection of skulls – they’re all here. Zobacz
- Brak - Pozostałe Citadel Assembly Handle Games Workshop 3T10811 51,99 zł Rączka do malowania modeli. Zobacz
- Brak - Pozostałe Citadel Painting Handle XL Games Workshop 3T10810 49,00 zł Rączka do malowania modeli. Zobacz
- Brak - Pozostałe Citadel Colour Painting Handle Games Workshop 3T10550 29,99 zł Rączka do malowania modeli. Zobacz
- Brak - Pozostałe Tape Measure - Miarka calowa GW Games Workshop 3T10544 21,99 zł Miarka calowa GW. Zobacz